Whether it’s a replacement or a simple cleaning necessary for its durability, there will inevitably come a time in your life as a vaper when you will have to remove the battery from your electronic cigarette. If for a novice vaper this may seem a difficult act, it is very easy, if not childish, to disassemble the battery of your electronic cigarette, regardless of its inherent brand and model.

How do disassemble the battery of your electronic cigarette and why this action is essential?

By highlighting the reasons and advantages that may force you to do so, discover everything you need to know to safely remove the battery of your electronic cigarette.

Disassemble electronic cigarette battery: for what reasons?

Except for a few disposable e-cigarettes sold by tobacconists, each electronic cigarette available on the market consists of a detachable battery and clearomiser. Together and operated in synergy, these devices make your electronic cigarette. 

If the clearomiser and the resistance require regular cleaning or changing, the same goes for the battery which unfortunately does not last forever. Fortunately for your finances, cleaning your electronic cigarette battery can increase its lifespan. With the mandatory change of your battery at the end of its life, these two reasons impose the obligation to know how to disassemble the battery of an electronic cigarette, whether you are a novice or a veteran of the vape.

Disassemble the battery of your electronic cigarette: when should you do it?

Whether it’s a simple cleaning of your battery or its replacement pure and simple, signs should alert you to the need to disassemble your battery when you use your electronic cigarette.

These signs are:

  • Your electronic cigarette no longer produces enough vapour or it becomes difficult to inhale (dry hit)
  • Your resistance is saturated or the aroma is tinged with a burnt taste, even the slightest
  • A crackling or hissing sound is heard when using your electronic cigarette
  • The liquid is escaping and flowing onto your battery…

Although these reasons are a sign that you absolutely must remove the battery of your electronic cigarette in an emergency, we advise you not to wait for them to appear. For an electronic cigarette at the top of its capabilities, it is recommended that you remove the battery of your electronic cigarette at least once a week to clean it. This simple preventive action will generally prevent you from noticing the appearance of the signs mentioned above.

Disassembling the battery of your electronic cigarette: what are the steps?

Although each model of electronic cigarette has its specificities, the steps to disassemble the battery of your electronic cigarette remain unchanged, regardless of the model you own.

These are the following:

  • Place your hand firmly on the base of your clearomiser
  • Rotate to spin the battery
  • Unscrew the clearomizer from the screw thread
  • Then remove the clearomizer from the battery.

It’s as simple as that! Disassembled, your electronic cigarette is ready to be cleaned or, if necessary, your battery is ready to be changed.