Whether it’s a replacement or a simple cleaning necessary for its durability, there will inevitably come a time in your life as a vaper when you will have to remove the battery from your electronic cigarette. If for a novice vaper this may seem a difficult act, it is very easy, if not childish, to disassemble the battery of your electronic cigarette, regardless of its inherent brand and model.
One of the advantages of the electronic cigarette is that you can choose from a large number of flavours for your e-liquid. Each vaper can thus find the taste that corresponds to his desires and which will be by his experience as a vaper .
The world of vaping is an array of possibilities. It’s very simple, by starting your adventure with an electronic cigarette in hand, you are sure to benefit from a wide choice of vape possibilities.
The beginner or experienced vaper knows it, the maintenance of an electronic cigarette is essential to ensure its proper functioning, good restitution of flavours, and the longevity of the device. Here is how to clean your vape in 5 steps .
The electronic cigarette also called a vaporizer, is an electronic device generating an aerosol intended to be inhaled. It produces vapour visually resembling smoke produced by the combustion of tobacco.
The pleasure of vaping with an e-cigarette largely depends on the quality of the e-liquid. Indeed, the choice of the latter should not be made at random or in haste. With this guide, you will have an easier time finding the right e-liquid for your electronic cigarette.
Whether you are a confirmed vaper for a long time, or a brand new electronic cigarette user, it is a safe bet that you have all already asked yourself this famous question about e-liquids!
Quitting smoking a combustible cigarette is one of the hardest things to do. It takes a lot of willpower, but it can be done! To permanently quit the combustible cigarette, the electronic cigarette and its dose of nicotine can be a good idea. Nicotine is certainly addictive, however, it is not toxic at low doses (except in pregnant and breastfeeding women). In addition, the electronic cigarette is less addictive than its combustible version. You should know that for the brain to continue to function normally during the withdrawal period, it is important to respect a certain dosage of nicotine for your electronic cigarette.
The four health benefits of electronic cigarettes
Clearer skin, better breath or even improved taste and smell are among the benefits of electronic cigarettes.
Several changes take place when you stop smoking and switch to e-cigarettes. Inevitably, when you no longer inhale the toxic smoke of tobacco, you notice improvements in your health.
The battery, as its name suggests, is used to supply the electronic cigarette with energy. Depending on the model, it also allows you to juggle different powers and different types of vaping to adapt to everyone’s preferences. There are thus different types of batteries, whether in terms of shape or power supply.